"Keep exploring what's in your heart and I really do believe that it can be a beautiful and exciting and wonderful journey."

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Etsuko (Etch) Haring

Health Coach & Entrepreneur 

Etch is a functional medicine health coach and entrepreneur. She is a personal development advisor with extensive experience partnering with individuals and innovative community leaders to help them discover and manifest their core intentions and authentic purpose. Using transformation driven strategies, she works with organizations to create inspirational products and services that encourage personal growth in individuals and their communities. She was the lead designer for Athletic DNA, whose mission is to encourage young athletes to strive for personal excellence. Etsuko began her career in New York City as a designer with Mottahede China, where she assisted in creating products for the White House, the World Wide Fund for Nature, Tiffany & Co., and other major retailers.

While living in Asia, she worked with Revlon Pacific Asia. After moving to Seattle, Etsuko focused on implementing virtues training for early education and worked with high school students as an advisor to develop the Youth Peacebuilder's Network. Etsuko has also served as an advisory board member to Village Health Works, a grass roots socio-economic development project in Burundi, Africa. After becoming licensed as a Functional Medicine Health Coach, she and her sister founded Sistaime, a company that produces mental health and wellness tools.

These activities reflect her dual interests in human social development and its manifestation in material and institutional design. She received a BA in Political Theory and Asian Studies from the University of Michigan, and continued her studies at the Parsons School of Design.

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