"I think the good life is a life connected to self and others"

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Bhavani Siegel


Bhavani was introduced to yoga in childhood, practicing āsana & yogic breathing with her family. She met Baba Hari Dass in 1974; becoming his disciple, she began formal study & sādhana practice. Bhavani began teaching yoga in 1975. 

A senior teacher in MMC’s Yoga Faculty and a founding member of Mount Madonna Center, where she lives, Bhavani teaches many aspects of Yoga, including Meditation, Prāṇāyāma & Yoga Philosophy. 

Among these, her specialties are: 

Bhavani also leads Yogic rituals (Pūjā & Yajña) at Mount Madonna Center’s Sankaṭ Mochan Hanumān Temple. She also incorporated yoga for children as a schoolteacher for 20 years.

Considering the teachings of conscious communication an important aspect of the Yogic principle of non-harming, Bhavani integrated this study as facilitator/coordinator of MMC’s Yoga, Service & Community residential programs for over 20 years.  

In Yoga Teacher Trainings, Yoga Retreats, community programs, and seminars, Bhavani has continued her journey guided by her revered teacher’s injunction to “teach to learn”, at MMC, an at MMC’s sister community, Salt Spring Centre of Yoga.

She loves chanting & ritual, mystic poetry, and the solace of nature. 
